I’m not sure why you live where you are. Maybe you rent. Maybe you own. You could love it. Or you could hate it.
Whether you could live anywhere in the world or your circumstances have you stuck somewhere right now, I believe we can all make a choice to love our cities and the people in them wherever we live.
But, the choice is up to us.
Loving your city won’t happen overnight. Loving your city might be a contradiction to how you’ve been living so far. Maybe your words or choices haven’t been very kind to the people or places around you. Or maybe you love another city. That’s totally a-okay! But here’s the thing, whether or not you love where you live, you are living in ‘someone else’s’ city. Let’s be kind to it while we are there.
Along with getting to know your neighbors, here are five more practical ways to love your city today.
1) Spend Actual Dollars in Your Neighborhood
Tom Nelson writes in The Economics of Neighborly Love, “If we are to love our neighbors in accordance with Jesus’ teaching, heartfelt compassion and economic capacity are both needed.” Where do you get gas, groceries, and takeout? Loving our neighbors with our wallets is a real benefit that bring vibrancy, income, and well-being to your neighborhood..
2) Get Involved Locally
Years ago I heard a Texas citizen talk about disaster relief for Hurricane Harvey. He was able to react quickly and effectively to the needs of his neighbors because he was involved in their lives before the storm. That sentiment stuck with me. Before the storm. Not that our intention should be to anticipate disaster, but when we are plugged into our community before the ‘storm,’ how much better will be equipped to serve our neighbors when they need it most.
3) Learn the History Around You
What story does your city tell? What history is around you? Who are the libraries, schools, parks, and streets named after? Do the research yourself online, look around for plaques and memorials, or ask questions when you are out. Your city might even hold history tours.
4) Pray for It
Prayer is a powerful tool to love our cities well. We not only petition God to bring goodness to our communities, but our hearts begin to widen as well. Praying can bring forth action and compassion. Consider praying for neighbors, the well-being of your city, and for your city to thrive into your prayer rhythm.
5) Take It Slow
Spend time in your city and find a way to do it slowly. Take a walk and wave to neighbors. Leave your house early and commute to work on different roads. Go to a park and take note of the people and nature surrounding you. Find different ways to learn and explore your city slowly. Put on fresh eyes and love your city with awe and curiosity.
Once I began to choose to love my city, God began to widen my heart for where I lived. And guess what? We are all living on part of God’s creation with God’s people. Literally wherever you are!
My hope for each of us is that we are reminded of the beauty of all of God’s creation and that we see our neighborhoods as an expression of God’s creativity.
If this resonates with you and you want to dig in more, I invite you to access to my download: The 5 Minute Guide to Loving Your City (Wherever You Live!).
I didn’t always love my city. Do you love yours? Get your copy of my printable in your inbox today.