I didn’t always love my city.
I’m guilty of comparing her to cooler, flashier, bigger places. I’m guilty of the grass is always greener syndrome, seeing the cool things about other cities and ignoring my own.
I know what it’s like to wish you were living somewhere else. I also know what it’s like to fall in love with where you are.
If you are like me, you don’t want to hate where you live. I believe loving our cities is a choice.
What would it look like for you to choose to love your city?

My hope is this guide brings you a step closer to loving your city well. My hope is that we:
- Are reminded of the beauty of God’s creation.
- Don’t let our everyday routines blind us to the beauty that’s around us.
- See our neighborhoods as an expression of God’s creativity.
- Begin to pray intentionally for our neighbors.