Community, Social Justice

What Everyone Should Know About Starting Small

Getting started can feel so small. It can feel like doing something that seems insignificant or just a drop in the bucket.  

Getting started can feel so silly. It can feel like Google searches and asking stupid questions.

Getting started can feel so isolating. It can feel like stepping out of your comfort zone and not knowing who will be behind you. 

Taking steps ahead can feel tiny. A little voice inside my head whispers not to waste my time if it’s small or ‘insignificant.’ I want my time to be valuable. But when did I start believing the lie that small acts weren’t impactful? 

When we are passionate or curious about something, the way forward IS starting small.

What do you care about? What are you curious about? What breaks your heart? 

Your community needs you. It needs your voice, your work, and your impact. Not all of our impact is going to be seen or written in history books. But with steps forward to bettering our communities and world, our impact will be felt. Let’s change our measure of success not rely on numbers to feel like we accomplished something. 

Don’t underestimate the power of a ripple. 

Ripples affect neighborhoods and generations. Ripples whose origins are forgotten, but impact is felt. 

If we don’t believe that powerful things can come in unassuming packages, we steal David’s victory over Goliath. If we don’t think that small things can make big changes, we rob the widow of her generosity. If we don’t believe that God can make a lot out of a little, we dismiss the miraculous meals from some fish and a few loaves.  

With one stone, one coin, and one offering, the world shifted. 

Why can we get so fixated on doing super-sized things? Believing the lie that small isn’t enough is where the real loss is. Small is what makes people who they are. Small is wind that forms canyons. Small is the light that travels through darkness. Small is powerful, forceful, and beautiful. 

The world’s weight of sin and disunity can feel heavy. It can feel unstoppable and overwhelming. And, in a way, it is. But because we can’t do everything, it shouldn’t stop us from doing something. Because we can’t be the solution, it shouldn’t stop us from being a part of it. 

So what do you do with that feeling of unrest, curiosity, and passion? That feeling that you know a community was destined for better? That feeling telling you could learn something that could affect the lives of your children’s children for the better? That feeling of curiosity of wanting to do more for the people around you? 

You take a step. Join the organization. Sign up to volunteer. Show up to the meeting. Apply for the job. Research the issue. Organize the event. Type in that Google search. Donate to the cause. Register for the class. Everyone out there started somewhere. I promise you that. 

That thing that crossed your mind while reading this?

I dare you to take a step forward. (And I double dog dare you to share it with someone!) Don’t believe the lie that small things aren’t important. Small things lead to next steps. Your community needs your voice, your work, and your impact.

Don’t underestimate the power of a ripple. 

2 thoughts on “What Everyone Should Know About Starting Small

  1. Oh, I love this! Well said and so true. I needed to hear this at this exact moment. Your small thing in writing this blog made a big difference in my small, personal today. Keep writing!

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